Be a part of 1535°

Join a community of fabulous minds

Be part of a genuine community where creative folks think, share & create under one roof.

This welcoming place was designed to fulfill your creative needs as you ideate, grow & evolve.

 The concept

Member criterias


Operate a professional activity as a company or a self-employed individual equipped with a business permit or affiliation certificate & a VAT number (if applicable).


Impact the creative & cultural industries with your activities, which should relate to the creative sector, the technology sector or the service sector.


Demonstrate a level of professionalism & proven creativity (e.g. through achievements, references & portfolio).

Sustainability & Innovation

Present an original innovation &/or a sustainable activity; the potential for job creation is considered an asset.

1535° Spirit

  • Fit well with the existing 1535° community
  • Display open-mindedness & a willingness to exchange ideas & synergize 
  • Maintain a daily on-site presence 
  • Operate an environmentally friendly activity

Member cohesion

To ensure a balanced, diverse community, we consider how an applicant’s activity or maturity level complements the existing members.

are you a creative mind?

Be part of the adventure & become a member of the 1535° Creative Hub.